January 2016 Meeting

The first meeting of 2016 is in the books. Due to a delay in the Phantom group build completion, and likely post-holiday recovery, there was a light turnout on the contest table. Several Phantoms in progress did make a showing, however. John finished up his tree making tutorial, and many things MosquitoCon were discussed.

Next month’s meeting is on Friday the 12th of February. Have those Phantoms completed, and Big Bill will be giving a tutorial on quick and dirty LED lighting for models.

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December 2015 Meeting

2015-12-11 20.04.14The New Jersey IPMS 2015 year came to a close on December 12th, with the annual party. Good food and good company were in abundance, as well as a great selection of the first-place winners from this year’s modeling contests.

We start of January with the F-4 Phantom group build completion, so if you took a kit please do all you can to make sure it’s finished by January’s meeting, and if not, bring along what you do have done.

Also for the January meeting, the tree building demonstration will continue. If you haven’t taken part yet, please feel free to join in, as the process will be described from the start, so everyone can catch-up.

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November 2015 Meeting: #13

2015-11-13 19.37.38A little tardy in getting the photos uploaded from last month’s meeting, but here they are.  We had a fantastic turnout for #13 Night. The rules were that the subject had to encompass the number 13 in some way, and you guys got really creative: we had aircraft from VF-13, a Zero that’s serial number added up to 13, a 2013 car, and a diorama with a house address of 13 on the tiny mailbox door.

Photos are below. December’s meeting is on the 11th, and we’ll be celebrating the holiday season with our annual party. See everyone there.

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September Meeting

2015-09-11 20.53.36As someone once said, “There’s always a big turnout when there’s free food,” the September 11th, 2015 meeting of NJIPMS did indeed have a big turnout, and a couple of 6′ subs (of the food variety, not the nuke type) along with sides and an open bar.

The kit contest was Out of the Box, and Jon Da Silva will have the results of that in the next newsletter.

October is Russian Night, so finish your red-starred builds and get them on the table.

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May 2015 Meeting

IMG_1881Photos from the May 2015 NJIPMS meeting are below. There was a great turnout in both members and models. The business meeting ran short and to the point: the question of whether anyone would be interested in the club renting a van for 6-8 people to drive to the Nationals in Columbus this July was met with the answer that most who know they are going have already secured transportation, so that idea was dropped.

Upcoming Events and News:

  • Art asked that everyone remember that next month is Italian Night.
  • The finish date for the Phantom group build has been set tentatively for January of 2016.
  • Jersey Fest Fair is August 28-30th this year. For those into, or just curious about, Sci-Fi and Fantasy modeling, this is a great show to check out, and it’s close. View their website HERE.
  • MosquitoCon 25 “Silver” is set for April 2nd, 2016. A basic preliminary page has been added HERE. 80 vendor tables are already sold. Our own Jon Da Silva will continue to do the awards, he has something special in mind for the silver anniversary show.

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April 2015 Meeting

The April meeting was a recap of all things MosquitoCon, with wings, pizza and beer provided by the club. Little business was discussed, yet it was revealed that a deal has been reached on the meeting place, and for the foreseeable future the club will continue to meet at the Knights of Columbus hall on the second Friday of every month.

Model turnout was light, as it often is after a MosquitoCon, but the models on display were top notch, as usual.

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February Meeting

IMG_1032Friday the 13th turned out pretty well for the club meeting. The long anticipated Tin Can Group Build wrapped up, with Marc Rocca taking top honors for his destroyer build. Marc also demonstrated using EZ Line as a super-fine rigging material by showing how to strip it down to smaller individual fibers. There was also a find display of other kits on the table, everything from Century Series fighters to in-progress plank-on-frame sailing ships.

NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS: The March meeting will be a week earlier, on March 6th. There is a conflict with our usual meeting date.

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