May 2015 Meeting

IMG_1881Photos from the May 2015 NJIPMS meeting are below. There was a great turnout in both members and models. The business meeting ran short and to the point: the question of whether anyone would be interested in the club renting a van for 6-8 people to drive to the Nationals in Columbus this July was met with the answer that most who know they are going have already secured transportation, so that idea was dropped.

Upcoming Events and News:

  • Art asked that everyone remember that next month is Italian Night.
  • The finish date for the Phantom group build has been set tentatively for January of 2016.
  • Jersey Fest Fair is August 28-30th this year. For those into, or just curious about, Sci-Fi and Fantasy modeling, this is a great show to check out, and it’s close. View their website HERE.
  • MosquitoCon 25 “Silver” is set for April 2nd, 2016. A basic preliminary page has been added HERE. 80 vendor tables are already sold. Our own Jon Da Silva will continue to do the awards, he has something special in mind for the silver anniversary show.

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