The Nautilus. Pegasus Models.

IMG_4896Kit: The Nautilus
Scale: Stated at 1/144th, comparasion with inner spaces and figures, however, indicates approximately 1/200
Manufacturer: Pegasus Hobbies
Price: $65.95 MSRP, $54.95 from
Contents: Multiple sprues of injected plastic, clear bay windows and portholes, giant squid display base, photoetch
Advantages: Well molded, new and unique take on the Jules Verne submarine.
Disadvantages: None apparent
Verdict: Recommend

Designed by Greg deSantis, this is a new take on the Nautilus from “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”.  The craft has a more angular and riveted appearance, lending itself to more of an American Civil War feel (right down to the spar torpedo) or even Steampunk.  I’ve never been a huge fan of the Disney film or any of those interpretations of the Nautilus, but this one definitely appeals to the Civil War historian in me.IMG_4916

The kit is all styrene construction, with the possible exception of the giant squid display base; I know Pegasus uses some sort of PVC at times, and that’s what the tentacles feel like.  The transparencies for the bay windows and portholes are well done and crystal-clear.

Detail on the kit is immaculate: rivet are well formed, open grills have little flash, and surface details such as vents are sharp and well defined.

IMG_4910One item that I’ve never seen injection molded before are the separate chains.  Each link is well defined and I can’t see the need to replace these kit components with aftermarket metal chain, they’re that well done.

There’s room for improvement, and Paragrafix does make a photo etch set for the kit that provides some interior details.  I picked up the set to get the exterior vent grills, as the kit will benefit from having those opened up. I’ll also likely add lighting to the kit, as well as replacing some of the supplied details with model railroad bits (lift rings, turnbuckles, etc.)

The instructions are well drawn, exploded-view 3D, and easy to follow.

Overall this is a very impressive kit, and well worth having if you’re into the subject matter.

Highly recommended.

-Devin Poore, October 2013

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