MosquitoCon 27 Contest Results
Photos Posted
Photos from MosquitoCon 27 have been posted to the portfolio site:
MosquitoCon 27
April 7th, 2018
from 9am to 5pm at the
Wayne PAL Hall, PAL Drive Wayne, NJ
Show Theme:
The War in the Mediterranean
Contest Categories | Contest Rules
Entry Fee: $15
Walk In Fee: $10
Click the icon below to download the contest registration form. You need one of these for EACH model you enter.
For an idea of what to expect, check out our previous shows linked through the MosquitoCon page.
Vendor’s Room
Here are the vendors that are so far confirmed for the show. We fully expect to have 100 tables filled in the vendor’s room.
Werner’s Wings | Ridgefield Hobbies | Larry’s Legions
Relic Golden Amusements | Micro Mark | Bagnoli Hobbies
Resin2Detail | Microworld Games LLC | Future Incite | ODG Studios
Larry’s Legions | Guinta Ships | Quadrant Collectables | Collector’s Paradise
Digital Realm SciFi | Scale Model Enthusiast | Hobbyworld USA
The Aviation Hall of Fame | Tony Wootson | Larry Greenberg
Richard Hellings | Andrew White | Evan Designs
Marvin Banka | Glenn Hoover Model Buillding | John Jorge | Ed Hernandez
Every year we’re extremely fortunate to have some great donations from some well known companies for the show’s raffle. Here are just some of those that have already sent in items.
Microscale | Twobobs Aviation Graphics | Dremel
Woodland Scenics | Xuron Tools | Zona Tool Company
Hobby Link Japan | Volks USA/ Zoukei-Mura
Iwata | Revell | Tru-Color Paints | Kalmbach Publishing