IPMS USA Nationals 2015, in Columbus, OH.

2015-07-23 17.59.43_1Photos from last week’s IPMS Nationals in Columbus, OH, have been uploaded to the photo gallery site HERE, and a link added to the website on the Photos page.

The above photo is what turned out to be only a portion of the NJIPMS crowd that made the trip to the NATS dinner, at Schmidt’s German restaurant in Columbus. Great food, and even better beer.

UPDATE: For further coverage of the Nationals, check out the Silicone Valley IPMS website, with more photos, and the slides from the awards ceremony:


JerseyCon Photos Posted

JC2_LogoIn one of those, “Oh, I forgot I didn’t do this” moments, I realized the photos from both JerseyCon shows had not been added to the website since the migration. I uploaded them both to the photo gallery website this weekend. Photos and information on both JerseyCon shows can be found on the JerseyCon page.

Review, Newsletter and Upcoming Events Added

A review of the 1/72 Dakoplast Sikorsky S-16 has been added to the Reviews section.

The January 2015 newsletter has been added to the Newsletter page.

The Upcoming Events page has been updated with flyers and/or links for the upcoming Celebrate Modeling day on January 31st in Fairfield, CT, and for the upcoming Replicon 27 on April, 11th, in Freeport, Long Island.

A page for photo links to our offsite hosting for large photo features has been added to the Photos page.

And, finally, for those who are counting the minutes until MosquitoCon 24, we’ve added a counter to the Home Page that counts down along with you.

New Photo Hosting Added

We’ve been going through the process of setting up a new photo hosting location for the club. When the old website went down and we set up the new one, we really had no idea how many hundreds, even thousands, of photos had accumulated over the years. While this website runs on WordPress and does beautifully handling that job, adding that many photos to the main database could possibly cause issues down the line, and would make data backups massive and ungainly.

We’re using ZenFolio for the large photo features, especially the MosquitoCon and other photo-intense features that we will have on the site. As of now, this and last year’s MosquitoCon photos are uploaded. As we finish tweaking the appearance of the site and adding new content, we will post here to let you know.

The main NJIPMS page at ZenFolio can be found here:



MosquitoCon Information Added

The most current information has been added to the lists of Trophy Sponsors and to the Vendor and Raffle Sponsor pages. We can’t say “thank you” enough to all those who are helping out with MosquitoCon 23 by sponsoring a trophy package, donating to the raffle, or showing up to do business in the dealer’s room.

The most recent newsletter for March 2014 was added to the Newsletter page.

Event Reminders and Newsletter Uploaded

image001bThe September 2013 edition of the MosquitoGram has been uploaded to the Newsletter page.

A reminder that next Friday through Sunday is the Jersey Fest show.  Check out their website for all details HERE (or by clicking the image to the left).

This coming Friday the 13th is the monthly meeting.  Bring an appetite, as dinner will be served.

August Newsletter and Review Added

A3-5The August 2013 edition of the MosquitoGram has been completed and uploaded to the Newsletter page.  Also, taken from that issue, is a review of the Nichimo “Kate” torpedo bomber, by our own Art Doran.

As mentioned in the newsletter, next month is the Jersey Fest Fair show.  It’s a large science fiction only exhibit, Friday September 13th through Sunday the 15th.  Several club members plan on attending and taking along some shiny sci-fi hardware for the show.
