Wonderfest 2018 Photos

This past weekend,June 2nd and 3rd, saw Wonderfest 2018 in Louisville, KY. A Sci-Fi and Fantasy model show, lots of spaceships, figures and dioramas were on the table. Photos taken by Devin Poore have been posted to the club’s gallery website HERE.

JerseyFest 2017

JerseyFest 2017 was this past weekend, September 9th and 10th, at the Newark Airport Mariott. Turnout was lighter this year than last, most likely attributable to a new venue and the odd weather around the country at the moment. That being said, there was a lot of great work on display, some fantastic seminars, and a well-stocked dealer’s room. Some photos below. If you have the chance, definitely check it out in 2018!

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IPMS Nationals in Omaha, NE, Photos Posted

A few NJIPMS members made it out to the Nationals in Omaha, Nebraska, this past week, and a couple of them had cameras in-hand. You can check out Martin Quinn’s extensive coverage on the group’s Facebook page here:


And Devin Poore has uploaded his photos to the group’s photo archive website here:


NorEastCon 46 Photos

Intrepid show attendee and photographer Martin J. Quinn has uploaded tons of photos from the recent NorEastCon 46 show to the club’s Facebook page. Click HERE for the page and scroll down for photos broken down by category.


JerseyFest 2016

2016-08-27 15.01.55On the 27th of August I made my way to the Mariott in Whippany, NJ, for the annual JerseyFest show. Walking into the contest room tells you this isn’t an IPMS event, as it’s filled with mostly large scale figure models, horror and fantasy being the predominate themes, but sci-fi hardware was represented as well with several impressive studio scale ship builds. The Bandai Star Wars kits were also well represented by several builds. Dinosaurs, mecha, and superheroes rounded out the display. I’d guess there were maybe 200+ kits on display, but I’m terribly bad about estimating such things.

The dealer’s room had a lot of resin. Again, large scale figures reigned supreme, but sci-fi hardware and dinos were represented as well. One of the more interesting aspects of JerseyFest are their seminars and classes. I wasn’t able to take a class this year due to work conflicts on Friday, but I sat in on two studio-scale modelling presentations yesterday and took away a lot of good information.

Overall, a really great show and good time. Met some new people, came soooooo close to buying a studio scale B-Wing kit that I still get the shakes thinking about it, and picked up some great tips and ideas. My photos below. As always, I made no attempt to photograph everything — as I have to do that for MosquitoCon every year — so I shot only what really grabbed my eye.

~Devin Poore, August 2016

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