MosquitoCon Information Added

The most current information has been added to the lists of Trophy Sponsors and to the Vendor and Raffle Sponsor pages. We can’t say “thank you” enough to all those who are helping out with MosquitoCon 23 by sponsoring a trophy package, donating to the raffle, or showing up to do business in the dealer’s room.

The most recent newsletter for March 2014 was added to the Newsletter page.

Event Reminders and Newsletter Uploaded

image001bThe September 2013 edition of the MosquitoGram has been uploaded to the Newsletter page.

A reminder that next Friday through Sunday is the Jersey Fest show.  Check out their website for all details HERE (or by clicking the image to the left).

This coming Friday the 13th is the monthly meeting.  Bring an appetite, as dinner will be served.

U.S.S. New Jersey Club Display

On Saturday, May 18th, members of NJIPMS visited the U.S.S. New Jersey in Camden for a club display.  Set up in the ship’s wardroom, club members displayed completed models, answered questions, and worked on current projects.  The battleship staff and visitors were very happy with the event, and may do another this coming fall.

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