February 7th, 2014 Meeting

IMG_9607With no set contest, the February meeting was a free-swim of whatever showed up. Lots of cool armor and figure dioramas, autos, aircraft, etc. Several in-progress builds were displayed, including Martin’s nearly-finished 1/350th scale USS North Carolina.

Meeting business was kept brief and to the point on all things MosquitoCon. Vendor tables are nearly sold out, awards are ready to go, and the location has been scouted.

March’s theme is Heavy Metal, so bring your tanks, battleships, heavy bombers and robots. Nearly everyone has their kits for the Tin Can Group Build. They’re due in September. Get those hulls in the water!

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January 2014 Meeting

The first meeting of the new year on Friday, January the 11th, saw a surprisingly large turnout. Due to the weather — especially the heavy fog — it was unexpected yet gratifying to see so many of the members turn up.  We possibly had better attendance than last month, when there was free food!

There was no formalized contest, as Minister of Contests, Jon Da Silva was unable to attend, but there were a lot of builds, both finished, in progress, and brand new out of the box, on display for everyone to look over.

Check back here and in the newsletter for information on the February meeting. The usual meeting night falls on Valentines Day, so we may be moving it a week earlier or later.

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December Meeting

The December meeting saw the annual party, lots of food, and awards given out.  Award recipients and the like will be covered in the next newsletter.  Until then, here are the photos (and thank you to Martin Quinn for additional photo coverage this month):

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November Meeting: WWI Night

Lots of good stuff on the table last night for the WWI contest.  The in-progress table also sported some nice creations, from giant radioactive lizards and Jules Verne inspired submarines, to WWII Japanese cruisers and modern tanks.

The next meeting is December (Friday!) the 13th.  It’s the annual Christmas party, and dinner will be served.  See you all then.

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October Meeting

A little late in posting, but here are the photos from October’s “Russian Night”.  Thanks to Martin Quinn for the photos.

The next meeting is this coming Friday, November 8th, and the theme is WWI.

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September Meeting: Movie Night

IMG_8840Movie night was a huge success.  We haven’t had that many models on the contest table in a long time.  And not only were there a lot of entries, there were a lot of incredibly well done entries.  Judging wasn’t an easy task.  In the end it came down to two winners, as it always must (well, not always, but there were only two prizes up for grabs).  First place went to John Bucholz with his scratch-built Slave 1 from “The Empire Strikes Back”.  I’m not sure of the scale of the model, but it was no more than an inch from top to bottom, and consisted of over 100 parts.  Stunning work.  Second place went to “Big Bill” Schwarz and his Bruce diorama, from the movie “Jaws”.  Bill took the great white kit model from Pegasus and modified it to a surface-broaching appearance, and then put the kit’s diver figure in the mouth — and in the water (basically, it wasn’t a good day for the diver).

Next month is Russian Night, November is WWI Night.

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Event Reminders and Newsletter Uploaded

image001bThe September 2013 edition of the MosquitoGram has been uploaded to the Newsletter page.

A reminder that next Friday through Sunday is the Jersey Fest show.  Check out their website for all details HERE (or by clicking the image to the left).

This coming Friday the 13th is the monthly meeting.  Bring an appetite, as dinner will be served.

August 2013 Meeting: Pearl Harbor Night

We had good attendance at the August meeting for Pearl Harbor night.  The entries skewed heavily in the favor of the Japanese with multiple Zeros, Vals, etc. on the table, and only two U.S. subjects (U.S.S. Arizona and a hula girl).  Art Doran, the sponsor of the contest, awarded the prize for the Air category to Pat O’Connor for his 1/48th scale Val dive bomber, and Jerry Rinaldi took the award in Land and Sea for his hula girl figure.

The next meeting is in September on Friday the 13th.  There will be a grill set up in the parking lot for a cook out, and the eboard will be cooking for the club members.

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July 2013 Meeting Photos

The July meeting was all about the quarter midget race car builds.  Several other nice in-progress and finished kits of the air and sea variety also graced the tables. Photos below.

August is Pearl Harbor night.  Aircraft, ships, Japanese and American.  Bring what you’ve got!

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