Workshop at the February Meeting

oilsMarc Rocca will present a workshop on the oil paint dot filter technique at the February meeting. You can see the technique in-progress to the left on his current build, a Type XXVII/B “Seehund” Midget Sub, Bronco 1/35th scale. (He’s also doing an online build of this subject on the website HERE)

Marc will also touch on rigging, using a new method to make finer strands of the popular rubberized EZ-Line.


January 2015 Meeting: WWI Night

IMG_0896NJIPMS kicked off the new year with WWI night. There were plenty of models on the table, mostly aircraft, but few figures and pieces of armor did make an appearance as well. Maybe we can get some ships for next year?

Jon, the contest coordinator, mentioned that most of the meetings this year are open for sponsorship. As of now July is tentatively “North Africa” night, and November will be “Number 13”. North Africa is fairly self explanatory, Number 13 has to do with, obviously, the number thirteen. If it has that number on it (race car, building address, hull number, fuselage code) or it participated in the Battle of Friday the 13th at Guadalcanal in 1942, then it qualifies.

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December 2014 Meeting

The December meeting saw the yearly Christmas and Holiday party party, as well as the end of the year awards. Member of the Year went to Mike Pavlo, a well earned acknowledgement considering all he does for the club.

Next month brings January and a new year, as well as WWI Night. Get your Great War builds ready and see you then.

Model photos below, and some great shots of club members, thanks to Michael Dobrzelecki.

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Sci-Fi Night!

IMG_0801The November 2014 meeting was all about Sci-Fi. This is the third year in a row that we’ve had an either all science fiction themed night, or a movies and television theme, and the turnout has been amazing at all three. Obviously we all want a break from the military every now and then to do something a little different and with a little color.

Lots of entries on the table, and after dividing them all up into either the Vehicles class or the Figures class, the top two entries were a Brittania II and a Predator bust. Outstanding work by all the participants (judging the winners was NOT easy).

December 12th we’ll be at the same place, the same time, for the Christmas party. Dinner will be served at 7:30. See you all there.

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September Meeting and Newsletter Uploads

The newsletters for July and September have been added to the Newsletter page.

September 12th was the designated Destroyer Night Group Build deadline, however since only two builds were completed fully, the judging has been put off until February of 2015. Five more months! Get ’em off the ways!

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August Meeting CANCELLED!

Due to the second Friday regular meeting date conflicting with the Nationals in Hampton, VA, we will NOT BE MEETING during August. For those coming to the convention, we’ll see you there. For everyone else, we’re on track for a regular meeting on September 12th, at the Knights of Columbus in Garwood.

June 2014 Meeting

It was all about Mustangs at this Friday’s meeting; cars, planes, anything with the name. Marc Rocca took away top honors with his 1/48th scale P-51 in Chinese markings.

Other items discussed included next Sunday’s outing at Famous Dave’s BBQ, the upcoming Nationals, and the future of NJIPMS continuing to meet at the Knights of Columbus. Next month’s meeting will still be at the Knights, but keep an eye on the website and the next newsletter for any changes to this.

And now some photos…

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May Meeting and Other Updates

IMG_0264The May meeting was an open contest and pizza party to celebrate the conclusion of MosquitoCon.  Besides a good turnout on the contest table, there were a lot of in-progress builds, and quite a few new kits in the box to drool over.

The meeting in June is at the same time and place, however that may very well be the last meeting at the Garwood Knights of Columbus. Details of a new venue will be discussed at the next meeting.

Also, the most recent newsletter has been uploaded to the Newsletter page.

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MosquitoCon 23 is in the Books!

IMG_9766Some quick numbers:

  • 94 model registrants
  • 352 models entered
  • 357 walk-in spectators

The numbers were down slightly this year, as the AMPS show was on the same date in Virginia, and it showed in the armor categories, but other categories made up the difference. We had one of the largest ship turnouts in recent memory.

Best Aircraft, Best WWI Subject, and Best of Show went to Adrian Davies with his 1/32nd scale FE-2b from a Wingnut Wings kit. Photos of Adrian’s build are shown here. The other Best Of and all of the show entrants will be posted as soon as I can sort through the photos (it takes some time to sort and rename over 400 photos!)

Club Members: This months meeting on April 11th has been CANCELLED due to a scheduling conflict that the Knights of Columbus just informed us of. We’re on for meeting next month on May 9th.

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