December 2017 Meeting

The annual club party was held during the December 2017 meeting of NJIPMS. Good turnout, good food, lots of models on the table. Check the January newsletter for the 1st through 3rd place Builders of the Year, as well as the Models of the Year.

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October 2017 Meeting

Friday the 13th saw a good meeting of the NJIPMS group. Many models on the tables, along with club-sponsored pizza and open bar.

Remember: Yearly dues are due and being collected. Talk to Vince about renewing.

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September Meeting and Newsletter

The September meeting had a good turnout. Primary Colors was the theme of the monthly contest, with several entries. The winners were Mike Terre with a 1/72nd scale Ki-9, and Stan Stankewicz with a 1/25th scale 2014 Camaro. Well done, guys.

Also, this month’s newsletter, the MosquitoGram, has been uploaded to the Newsletter page.

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May 2017 Meeting

Friday May 12th, 2017, saw a very well attended meeting of NJIPMS at our usual Nights of Columbus location. There was no set theme for the evening, so an eclectic mix of ships, aircraft, sci-fi, figures, and lots of in-progress builds, filled the tables.

The next meeting is set for June 9th, same time and place. The theme will be “The Pacific: 1942”, so dig out your best and bring it along.

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January 2017 Meeting Report

The first meeting of 2017 was held on a Friday the 13th, but any superstitions did nothing to keep away the members. We had one of the best turnouts in recent memory, with lots of new kits on display, and many participants in the “Out of the Box” contest. Mike Terre and Marc Rocca took top honors in the contest, with their Harriet Lane and MIG-31 builds.

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September Meeting: Sci-Fi Night

Another great turnout for Sci-Fi night this year. Everything from old kits to new kits to scratch-builds filled the table. The food and open bar were a big hit, as usual (attendance was very high!). The club meeting covered various items, including information on who will attend the upcoming Region 2 and MarauderCon shows this fall (information on both on the Upcoming Events page).

Next month is Russian Night. Get your red stars ready…

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August Meeting

2016-08-12 19.58.47The August meeting was held on Friday the 12th, with a good attendance. The contest was Civilian Night, and Dan Spera took the honors with his Roden Mohawk in 1/48th scale.

The IPMS Region 2 show in Virginia Beach and MarauderCon were both discussed, as was various other club business. We’re meeting next month for Sci-Fi night, and dinner will be served!

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June Meeting Date Change!

As mentioned in last month’s newsletter and at last month’s meeting, the June meeting will be held a week early, this Friday, June the 3rd.

I’m traveling these past two weeks, so the newsletter will be going out late tomorrow, Tuesday, evening.

March 2016 Meeting : Nostalgia Night

2016-03-11 19.33.18The meeting of March 11th, 2016 brought Nostalgia Night, hosted by Mike Terre and Dan Spera. Lots of old school kits and tools and paints were out on the tables. Several members also spoke of what they’d brought, be it the first kit they ever built, a gift from someone, or how a particular kit brought back specific memories.

MosquitoCon 25 business was discussed. Everything is on track for the show. See everyone on April 2nd!

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