November 2019 Meeting Photos

A good turnout on the tables for the Friday, November 8th, 2019 meeting. Russia Night was the theme, and many great entries for that category, but there was good turnout of other models as well.

The next meeting is the annual Christmas Party, Friday the 13th.

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November Newsletter, Website Updates

The November newsletter has been posted to the Newsletter page. Thanks to Bill S. for putting it all together again this month.

This month’s meeting is Friday, November 8th. Simon is sponsoring Russia Night.

Finally, it isn’t noticeable on the front end, but the hosting for this website has been updated and moved to new, more secure, and faster hosting. The lack of updates over the summer has been due to this upgrade, and also to the summer weather distractions. With both of those complete now, we’ll start adding more information as we receive it.

November 2018 Meeting

The weather threatened to keep everyone away for the November NJIPMS club meeting, but the driving rain and wind proved no match for those who wanted to talk model building. The Russia Night contest had some fine entries, and other displays of non-contest material filled out the display table.

December 14th is the next meeting, and the yearly Christmas party. Check the upcoming December newsletter for this year’s contest winners, and if your model is on the list, bring it to the meeting for the Model of the Year competition.

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October 2018 Meeting

The October 2018 meeting was a bit light on the contest table, but the work for Civilian Night was extraordinary, none the less. Photos below.

November is Russian Night, and the last sponsored contest night of the year before the December Christmas party.

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March 2018 Meeting

March 9th, 2018, saw the monthly meeting of NJIPMS. The theme of the evening was Nostalgia Night, with lots of old bottles of paint, printed kit catalogs that listed ridiculously low priced kits, and several boxed kits of the vintage nature.

The contest table had a decent turnout as well, with photos below.

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Photos from the January 2018 Meeting

Martin Quinn sent along these photos from the first 2018 meeting of NJIPMS. Thanks, Martin!